mercredi 8 juillet 2015

Retrieving big files through Powershell

Sometime, when you need to do some cleanup on your workstation or on a file server you may want to get a list of files which exceed a given size threshold.

Thanks to Powershell we can do this in an easy way!

#requires -version 3

Function Get-BigFiles {



            This function will scan a folder in order to retrieve the files which exceed a given

            size threshold


            This function will scan a folder in order to retrieve the files which exceed a given

            size threshold

    .PARAMETER  Path

            Specifies the folder to scan recursively

    .PARAMETER  MinSize

            Specifies the minimal threshold


            Get-BigFiles -Path "D:\temp\vsphere6.1"

            FullName                      Date Created             Date Modified            Size (MB)

            --------                      ------------             -------------            ---------

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:07:33      20/05/2015 11:50:35         2613,7

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\vRealiz... 16/06/2015 11:04:43      11/06/2015 11:52:31        1503,97

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 29/06/2015 13:41:37      29/06/2015 13:39:12          868,5

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 29/06/2015 14:04:48      29/06/2015 14:03:34         867,63

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\vRealiz... 16/06/2015 11:03:56      15/06/2015 12:10:53         404,82

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:08:54      20/05/2015 11:56:10         348,38

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:09:31      20/05/2015 10:06:22         171,72

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:09:16      20/05/2015 10:05:25         119,95

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 17/06/2015 09:35:40      11/06/2015 11:23:47          35,82

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:09:20      20/05/2015 10:03:19          31,33


            Get-BigFiles -Path "D:\temp\vsphere6.1" -MinSize 1Gb

            FullName                      Date Created             Date Modified            Size (MB)

            --------                      ------------             -------------            ---------

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:07:33      20/05/2015 11:50:35         2613,7

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\vRealiz... 16/06/2015 11:04:43      11/06/2015 11:52:31        1503,97


            "D:\temp\vsphere6.1" | Get-BigFiles -MinSize 750Mb

            FullName                      Date Created             Date Modified            Size (MB)

            --------                      ------------             -------------            ---------

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 20/05/2015 12:07:33      20/05/2015 11:50:35         2613,7

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\vRealiz... 16/06/2015 11:04:43      11/06/2015 11:52:31        1503,97

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 29/06/2015 13:41:37      29/06/2015 13:39:12          868,5

            D:\temp\vsphere6.1\VMware-... 29/06/2015 14:04:48      29/06/2015 14:03:34         867,63


            NAME:     Get-BigFiles

            AUTHOR:   ROULEAU Benjamin

            LASTEDIT: 2015-07-07










        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})]



        [ValidateScript({$_.GetType().Name -eq "Int32"})]



    BEGIN {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN] Scan began at: $((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))"



        Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] Scanning folder: $Path"

        # Get the content of the given folder and fetch files which are higher than the given size threshold

        Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" |

            Where-Object {$_.Length -ge $MinSize} |

            Select-Object FullName, `

                @{Name="Date Created";Expression={$_.CreationTime.ToString()}}, `

                @{Name="Date Modified";Expression={$_.LastWriteTime.ToString()}}, `

                @{Name="Size (MB)";Expression={[math]::Round($_.Length / 1Mb, 2)}} |

            Sort-Object "Size (MB)" -Descending


    END {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[END] Scan ended at: $((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))"

