mercredi 10 juin 2015

Retrieving a VM's Logical Path from vCenter using Powershell

In some cases, knowing a Virtual Machine’s Logical Path can be quite useful when the need to perform automated tasks in VMware arise.

One of our objectives during our last VMware Horizon View deployment was to automate the creation of multiple Automatic Linked Clone pools. As a matter of fact, the Cmdlet linked to the pool’s creation (Add-AutomaticLinkedCLonePool) has two parameters which expect both the VM’s Full Path and the path to its Parent Folder.

The PowerShell Function below expects a VM as a parameter and returns the VM’s name, its Full Path and its Parent Folder’s path as shown in the synopsis. Just what we needed for our automation process!

#requires -version 2

Function Get-VMLogicalPath {



            This function will return a VM's logical path within vCenter


            This function will return a VM's logical path within vCenter with or without the VM's name


            Specifies a vCenter VM


            Get-VMLogicalPath -VM (Get-VM -Name "Master")

            Name                 VMPath                                        ParentPath                                          

            ----                 ------                                        ----------                                          

            Master               /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder/Master              /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder  


            $VMArray | Get-VMLogicalPath

            Name                 VMPath                                        ParentPath                                          

            ----                 ------                                        ----------                                          

            Master               /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder/Master              /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder  

            MasterTraining       /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder/MasterTraining      /KatalyktDC/vm/PoolFolder  


            NAME:     Get-VMLogicalPath

            AUTHOR:   ROULEAU Benjamin

            LASTEDIT: 2014-02-05












    BEGIN {




        $VM | ForEach-Object {

            TRY {

                Write-Verbose -Message ("[PROCESS - Get-VMLogicalPath] Retrieving path for VM {0}" -f $_.Name)

                # We keep retrieving the parent's folder up to the Datacenter root

                $VMo = $_.Folder

                $Path = ""

                WHILE ($VMo) {

                    $Path = "/" + $VMo.Name + $Path

                    $VMo = $VMo.Parent


                # Compose the VM Path

                $VMPath = $Path + "/" + $_.Name


                Write-Verbose -Message ("[PROCESS - Get-VMLogicalPath] Retrieved path {0} for VM {1}" -f $VMPath, $_.Name)

                # Return the desired properties in an object

                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

                    Name = $_.Name

                    ParentPath = $Path

                    VMPath = $VMPath



            } CATCH {

                Write-Warning -Message ("[PROCESS - Get-VMLogicalPath] Something went wrong: {0}" -f $Error[0].Exception.Message)




    END {



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