vendredi 11 septembre 2015

Retrieving a VM Snapshot path from vCenter using Powershell

Sometime, retrieving the path of a VMware VM's Snapshot can prove useful.

As we've had to automate the deployment of some VMware Horizon Pools using Powershell, the cmdlet Add-AutomaticLinkedCLonePool was asking for a Snapshot path as an input with the "ParentSnapshotPath" parameter.

So here's the function that answered this need!

#Requires -Version 3.0

Function Get-VMSnapshotPath {



            This function will return a VM's Snapshot path


            This function will return a VM's Snapshot path

    .PARAMETER  Snapshot

            Specifies a VM Snapshot


            Get-Snapshot -VM (Get-VM "Master") -Name "BaseSnapshot" | Get-VMSnapshotPath



            Get-Snapshot -VM (Get-VM "Master") -Name "SecondSnapshot" | Get-VMSnapshotPath



            (Get-VM "Master"), (Get-VM "MasterVDI") | Get-Snapshot | Get-VMSnapshotPath





            NAME:     Get-VMLogicalPath

            AUTHOR:   ROULEAU Benjamin

            LASTEDIT: 2015-02-05












    BEGIN {




        $Snapshot | ForEach-Object {

            Write-Verbose -Message ("[PROCESS - Get-VMSnapshotPath] Retrieving the path of Snapshot: '{0}' on VM : '{1}'" -f $_.Name, $_.VM.Name)

            # We retrieve the Snapshot path up the the root of the VM

            $VMo = $_

            $Path = ""

            WHILE ($VMo) {

                $Path = "/" + $VMo.Name + $Path

                $VMo = $VMo.ParentSnapshot





    END {



1 commentaire:

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