#requires -version 2
Function Set-BlastHTMLAccess {
This function will enable or disable the VMware BLAST HTML5 Protocol from one or multiple VDI Pools
This function will enable or disable the VMware BLAST HTML5 Protocol from one or multiple VDI Pools
The Pool in question in a string format, pipeline is supported
Enable the BLAST Protocol if present. BLAST is disabled without this parameter
Set-BlastHTMLAccess -Pool "Pool_VDIW7" -Enabled
Set-BlastHTMLAccess -Pool "Pool_VDIW10"
"Pool_VDIW7", "Pool_VDIW10" | Set-BlastHTMLAccess -Enabled
NAME: Set-BlastHTMLAccess
LASTEDIT: 2015-10-12
Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Editing BLAST HTML5 Access..."
# Path to the VMware Horizon ADAM DB
$ldap = [adsi]"LDAP://localhost:389/DC=vdi,DC=vmware,DC=int"
$Pool | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Attempting to edit BLAST HTML Access for Pool '$_'"
$filter = "(&(objectCategory=pae-DesktopApplication)(cn=$_))"
$ds = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($ldap, $filter)
$ds.FindAll() | ForEach-Object {
# Retrieve the protocols present on the given VDI Pool
$objPool = $_.GetDirectoryEntry()
$objProtocols = @($objPool."pae-ServerProtocolLevel")
$objDisplayName = $objPool."pae-DisplayName"
Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Found protocols '$objProtocols' for '$objDisplayName'"
# Retrieve the non-BLAST Protocols
[array]$newObjProtocols = ($objProtocols | Where-Object { $_ -ne "BLAST" }) -split "\s+"
# Add BLAST to the protocols if enabled
IF ($Enabled) {
Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Enabling BLAST for '$objDisplayName'"
$newObjProtocols += "BLAST"
# Compare the Pool protocols and commit the changes if needed
IF (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $objProtocols -DifferenceObject $newObjProtocols) {
Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Committing changes with new protocols '$newObjProtocols'"
$objPool."pae-ServerProtocolLevel" = $newObjProtocols
} ELSE {
Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Set-BlastHTMLAccess] No changes were detected"
Write-Verbose -Message "[END Set-BlastHTMLAccess] Done Editing BLAST HTML5 Access..."
vendredi 11 décembre 2015
Enabling VMware Horizon View HTML5 (BLAST) Web Access on a Desktop Pool with PowerShell
Recently, we had to improve our VDI deployment script so that it could enable the HTML5 (BLAST) Web Access during a Deployment.
After upgrading to VMware View Horizon 6, I was hoping that the PowerShell Module would bring a new parameter to enable it while using a command such as "Update-AutomaticLinkedClonePool" or "Add-AutomaticLinkedCLonePool" but nope.
So, I wrote this quick function which can Enable or Disable the HTML5 Access from one or multiple Pools by updating the "pae-ServerProtocolLevel" entry located in the VMware Horizon ADAM Database.
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