lundi 7 mars 2016

Using Powershell to backup the Configuration of a Brocade SAN Fibre Channel Switch

Automating the Configuration backup of a Brocade SAN Fibre Channel Switch is not really a difficult task. Indeed, one may export the configuration of a Switch by using the "configUpload" SSH command which allows the device to export parameters such as the Zones along with the Switch core parameters toward a remote FTP/SFTP/SCP server.

This task can be automated by combining both Powershell and SSH.

The following function requires the Posh-SSH module which is available on github ( and uses the FTP protocol for the backup. A CSV is expected as an input which contains the Host (the Brocade device), the SSH Operator Username and the SSH Operator Password (see the example below)


The SSH command "configDownload" may be used to restore the device should the need arise.

#Requires -Version 3.0

Function Backup-BrocadeSANSW {



            This function allows the backup of one or multiple Brocade SAN FC Switch


            This function allows the backup of one or multiple Brocade SAN FC Switch on an FTP Server


            The CSV file contains the list of all the IBM Brocade devices (Host / Username / Password)

            Backup-BrocadeSANSW.csv is used by default if nothing is specified

    .PARAMETER  ExportWithName

            This switch may be specified to format the output with the device's name rather than the host name


            Backup-BrocadeSANSW -CSV "e:\scripts\brocade_list.csv" -ExportWithName

            BackedUp Path                                                                        HostName     Device  

            -------- ----                                                                        --------     ------  

                True ftp://repository.katalykt.lan/SYSTEM/BROCADE2498/SW_FCA_20150612_105512.txt SW_FCA

                True ftp://repository.katalykt.lan/SYSTEM/BROCADE2498/SW_FCB_20150612_105516.txt SW_FCB



            BackedUp Path                                                                                HostName     Device  

            -------- ----                                                                                --------     ------  

                True ftp://repository.katalykt.lan/SYSTEM/BROCADE2498/

                True ftp://repository.katalykt.lan/SYSTEM/BROCADE2498/






            NAME:     Backup-BrocadeSANSW

            AUTHOR:   ROULEAU Benjamin

            LASTEDIT: 2015-06-12

            TESTED:   IBM Brocade 2498


    #Requires -Module Posh-SSH



        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]

        $CSV=(Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath) -ChildPath "Backup-BrocadeSANSW.csv"),




    BEGIN {

        Write-Verbose -Message "[BEGIN Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Attempting to import the Posh-SSH Module..."

        # FTP Properties, our backup files will be stored in there

        $FTP_Host = "repository.katalykt.lan"

        $FTP_Username = "srv-backupop"

        $FTP_Password = "Passwd20160612"

        $FTP_Path = "SYSTEM/BROCADE2498"



        # Retrieve the needed parameters for each given devices

        Import-Csv -Path $CSV -Delimiter ';' | ForEach-Object {

            $SSH_Username = $_.Username

            $SSH_Password = $_.Password

            $SSH_Host = $_.Host

            $IsBackedUp = $false

            # Build up the Credentials

            $SSH_Password = ConvertTo-SecureString $SSH_Password -AsPlainText -Force

            $SSH_Credentials =  New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SSH_Username, $SSH_Password)

            Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Processing SSH Host: $SSH_Host"

            # Attempt to start an SSH Session

            TRY {

                Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Attempting to connect to the SSH Host: $SSH_Host"

                $SSH_Session = New-SSHSession -ComputerName $SSH_Host -Credential $SSH_Credentials -AcceptKey $true -ErrorAction Stop

            } CATCH {

                Write-Warning -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Unable to start an SSH Session on the given host"

                $SSH_Session = $false


            # Ensure that the SSH Session is alive and kicking

            IF ($SSH_Session) {

                # By default, we use the SSH Host as a label

                $SSH_DeviceName = $SSH_Host

                # Retrieve the SSH Device Name if specified

                IF ($ExportWithName) {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Attempting to retrieve the device name"

                    $SSH_DeviceName = Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $SSH_Session -Command "switchshow | grep switchName"

                    $SSH_DeviceName = $SSH_DeviceName.Output -match "\:\s(.*[a-zA-Z0-9])"

                    $SSH_DeviceName = $matches[1]

                    IF (-not($SSH_DeviceName)) {

                        Write-Warning -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Unable to retrieve the Device Name, falling back to the Host name"

                        $SSH_DeviceName = $SSH_Host


                    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Backup-BrocadeSANSW] Retrieved device name: '$SSH_DeviceName'"


                # Export the Log to the FTP

                $FTP_ExportFullPath = "{0}/{1}_{2}.txt" -f $FTP_Path, $SSH_DeviceName, (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")

                $SSH_Export = Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $SSH_Session -Command ("configupload -all -p ftp {0},{1},{2},{3}" -f $FTP_Host, $FTP_Username, $FTP_ExportFullPath, $FTP_Password)

                # Make sure that the output match the expected valid return

                IF ($SSH_Export.Output -like "*All selected config parameters are uploaded*") {

                    Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS Backup-DevicesConfiguration] Device '$SSH_DeviceName' configuration has been backed up"

                    # Append the FTP host to the path for the output

                    $FTP_ExportFullPath = "ftp://{0}" -f ((Join-Path $FTP_Host -ChildPath $FTP_ExportFullPath) -replace '\\','/')

                    $IsBackedUp = $true

                } ELSE {

                    Write-Warning -Message "[PROCESS Backup-DevicesConfiguration] Failed to back up device '$SSH_DeviceName': $($SSH_Export.Output)"

                    $FTP_ExportFullPath = "Failed"


                # Remove the SSH Session

                $SSH_Session | Remove-SSHSession | Out-Null

                # Return the Output

                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

                    Device = $SSH_DeviceName

                    HostName = $SSH_Host

                    BackedUp = $IsBackedUp

                    Path = $FTP_ExportFullPath





    END {



1 commentaire:

  1. Hi,
    I know this post is old but thanks a lot for this script. I am not sure if by time there is a better way to backup the config but this was useful for the purpose I had, which is to keep a current copy of the config of 8 switches.
    I have made a slight adjustment to it to be able to use scp/sftp instead of ftp since the parameters for protocols SCP and SFTP do not take the password parameter directly and also made a check as some newer firmware would ask for the SCP/SFTP port. Noting them here just in case someone else needs them.
    I used New-SSHShellStream included in posh-ssh after opening session (without the $true value as it errored out when opening session)
    $SSH_SessionStream= New-SSHShellStream -SSHSession $SSH_Session -TerminalName tty
    put command in block variable and added sleep to give the commands some time to process

    $block="configupload -all -scp $SCP_Host,$SCP_Username,$SCP_ExportFullPath"
    sleep 3

    #check if prompted for port and reply with port number
    if($SSH_Export -like "*SCP/SFTP Server Port Number*") {
    sleep 1
    #type SCP user Password
    sleep 2
    #get backup result

    Thanks again for making this available.
